I'm a software engineer and media artist based in Los Angeles, California.


My background in art and technology enables me to work across creative and engineering teams to solve technically challenging aesthetic problems.

I'm interested in dynamic systems, generative processes, synthesis, and sublime environmental experiences.

Drop me a line. hello@kurtkaminski.com



Lead Technical Artist @ Snap Inc. 2019-now.
Interactive Engineer @ Obscura Digital. 2018-2019.
Software Developer @ Stimulant. 2017-2018.
Contractor @ Leviathan. 2016-2017.
Graduate Student Researcher @ University of California Santa Barbara. 2015-2017.
Lighter @ Walt Disney Animation Studios. 2014.
Lead Lighter @ DreamWorks Animation. 2012-2013.
Lighter @ DreamWorks Animation. 2008-2012.



Cirrus. 150 Media Stream. Chicago, IL.
Subspaces. The Wolf Museum of Exploration and Innovation (MOXI). Santa Barbara, CA.
Rehabituation. Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science, and Technology. Santa Barbara, CA.


Culture Analytics. Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Los Angeles, CA.
Computation and Expression. Art Design and Architecture Museum. Santa Barbara, CA
Bridges Conference. Mathematical Art Exhibition. Jyvӓskylӓ, Finland.
Experience Workshop. Traveling Exhibitions of Mathematical Art. Finland and Hungary.
White Noise. MAT End of Year Show. Santa Barbara, CA.
CNSI Art of Science. Award winner. Santa Barbara, CA.


Data Improvisations. IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP), Chicago, IL. Artist talk and live demonstration.
Open Sources. MAT End of Year Show. Santa Barbara, CA. Live demonstration and performance.


M.S. @ University of California, Santa Barbara
Media Arts & Technology

B.F.A. @ Savannah College of Art and Design
Visual Effects